Merry Christmas!!

24 12 2009

Dashing thru the snow, in a one horse open sleigh….

Whew!   It’s hard to believe this day is HERE!  I mean Chrismas falls on the same day every year, I have 365 days to prepare and somehow, some way it always seems to creep up on me.  I was the good little mama and started EARLY this year and I must have had an extra shot of self confidence in my preparation abilities because before I knew it we were a week out and now here we are and I still need to run out and get 2 gift cards…  Ho Ho Ho.

This has been a crazy busy month with School fundraisers, Holiday Performances, nephews birthdays and Christmas… well I don’t need to tell YOU, I know I’m not alone in this but geez I feel like it’s all a blur.

Lets back up to last week.  Makenna’s school had their annual Christmas program.  Her school does it up right!  They have held their program in the same theater for the past 20+ years and it is SO much fun to watch!!  If only I could figure out how to upload video I would put her performance on here, but I don’t know how so a picture of the prettiness will have to suffice.

The STAR of the show…

Mama and Makenna

BFF’s Vivian, Makenna & Alexis

O’er the fields we go, lauging all the way….

Today we will be getting together at my parents house with my sisters and their kids to celebrate.  There will be lots of food and laughter guaranteed.  Then I will have to answer the following question about  47,983 times before we finally fall into bed tonight…

“Mom, can I open just ONE present???”

You see, my kids are NEVER happy with just ONE present.  I used to let them open one on Christmas Eve but then it turned into “ONE MORE?”  so I decided we’d just save them all for Christmas morning.

I like to blame the 2 older kids for that one… poor Makenna, they ruined it for her…Bah Humbug!

Oh, the power of being a parent!

Bells on bob-tail ring, making spirits bright…

In other news… I ran 8 miles last Sunday!!!!   I am still in disbelief!

Me, the girl who could NOT run ONE single lap around the high school track when I started a little over a year ago!!!   For those of you who don’t know, the high school track is 1/4 mile.  I could not run around it without stopping, I don’t even think I could make it half way without feeling like my lungs were going to explode and I would DIE.  No joke.   I started with the Couch to 5k and have progressed from there.   Setting small goals along the way.  First a 5k (3.1 miles) then 5 miles, then a 10k and look at me now- training for a Half Marathon!!   I have never been athletic in my entire life,  I am what I like to call a “delayed onset athlete” .

So yeah, 8 miles NON STOP last Sunday, I’m pretty pumped about that one,  the first 6 miles felt really good but I ain’t gonna lie, the last 2 were pretty brutal.   And because my sister and I are beasts we’ve decided we are going to run 10 this Sunday.   We both want to hit that double digit mark before year end so this is our last chance to do that. I pray I feel as good this week as I did last week.

What fun it is to laugh and sing a sleighing song tonight…

As the year end approaches it  brings HOPE for a better New Year.  I too have been working on my goals and resolutions for next year.  I will be putting the finishing touches on that list this week and crossing off the last reached goals for this years list.

I am so very grateful to the friends I have met blogging and can’t wait to see what the new year brings to all of us.   It will be fun to see all of our goals and support each other along the way.

Now, I must be off to prepare for the day ahead…

Merry Christmas to all…..and to all a good night!
