6 miles with Jillian!

15 11 2009

Lions and tigers and WIND, oh my!!!

I hate wind.

I know HATE is a strong word but I HATE wind!!

I’ll take rain any day of the week over wind,  the rain just feels so cleansing but wind- it does nothing but dry me out, slow me down and cover me in grit!!  YUK!

But there was a 6 mile run on the training plan for today so sister and I headed out to the trail to tackle it head on…

So, ok well maybe Jillian wasn’t there PHYSICALLY, it was really my sister.  But this morning I swear Jillian Michaels was right behind me!   For those of you that watch The Biggest Loser, you’ve seen how Jillian makes the contestants put a rope around their waste and then she holds on to the ends of the rope and they have to run and drag her behind them… well that is what the last 3 miles of my run felt like this morning, I may as well have been dragging Jillian behind me.

We had a 3 mile out and back course today and the first 3 miles the wind was at our backs so it pushed us right along…but then we had to turn around and come back and face the wind head on…that my friends was pure torture.  Today I felt like those last 3 miles was survival of the fittest.  And I’m ashamed to say that there was a couple walk breaks somewhere between mile 4 & 6. Probably about 3,  I kept them VERY short and tried to keep my pace as fast as I could but geez, the wind was sucking the life right out of me…

My stats for this morning were

6.43 miles      duration 1:17

mile 1-  10:42

mile 2- 10:29

mile 3- 10:46

mile 4- 11:50

mile 5- 12:59

mile 6- 11:55

mile.43- 8:28 (cool down)

I’m off to wash off this grit and enjoy my day!

Have a wonderful Sunday
