Squid juice and sheer determination…

17 01 2010

That is what got me thru this mornings 9 mile run… Squid juice and sheer determination FO SHO!!!

Last night was a rough one,  girlie coughed ALL NIGHT and when girlie don’t sleep- Mama don’t sleep.  I doubt I got more than 3 hours sleep in all.   Then to top it off, I woke up with a tight chest and a cough- really??  What gives?

Oh how easy it would have been to send that text and say “not today sister” but I didn’t because with the Half a mere 3 weeks away I don’t have time to put off  a 9 mile run, so coffee in hand, out the door I went.

Thanks to the girls over at pure2raw I had a new sports drink with me to try out.   I cannot stand Gatorade or those sugary type drinks, I find them way too sweet.  Normally I would just have coconut water in my water bottle but Michelle & Lori had posted about their Spirulina drink that they used when they ran the Disney Marathon last weekend.  So I asked for specifics and they were very helpful!   They did say that it was based on one of the sport drink recipes in Thrive (my FAVE!) so I was game!

I love the simple 4 ingredients:

coconut water, spirulina powder, lemon, agave nectar

I mixed:

  • 10 oz coconut water
  • 1 tsp Spirulina powder
  • juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 1 tsp Agave nectar

I mixed it together in a jar and have to say I was SHOCKED when I saw it.   My son was watching me and freaked out saying “Oh my god, I cannot believe you are going to drink that!!!”   and honestly it was kinda scary but I stuck a straw in it and OMG OMG OMG  it was SO GOOD!!!   The weirdest thing, it had NO ocean taste whatsoever and the lemon could not be detected at all either.  If I had to give it a ‘label’ I’d say it tasted like grape juice.  I think the next time I would even cut the Agave back just a bit more as I really don’t need the sweetness but for todays run it was great!

This is what it looked like:

Squid juice!

I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a healthy sports drink option!  Don’t be afraid!

I’m sure my Squid juice played a big part in my survival of that 9 mile run this morning,  I felt good till mile 5 and then it was sheer determination.  It was HARD.

After my run I grabbed my girl and headed over to Urgent Care because I suspected some antibiotics were needed for this little one.  She isn’t a complainer so if she’s up all night with an earache it’s something… Sure enough 2 1/2 hours later we had our prescreptions!    I hate giving her antibiotics so tomorrow we are heading over to Trader Joes for some pro-biotics to try and keep her belly healthy!

Yesterday we took some of our juice pulp and made our first attempt at pulp crackers that are all the rage…

What started out like this:

Added some flax, seasonings and water and mixed well….  it had the consistency of meatloaf  when we were finished.

rolled out thin, addes some Himalayan Pink Sea Salt & some Dulce flakes to the top,  scored it and popped it into a 350 oven for about 10 min.  Then I turned the oven off and let them sit in there to dry out while we ran some errands….

The verdict???

BLECH!!!!    I don’t even have a picture of the finished product as they were HORRIBLE!   Even delicious Hummus couldn’t cover up the horrid taste.    If anyone has any pointers on making these good- I’d love to hear it.

Well, I’m off to relax… I am forever grateful that tomorrow is a holiday and I can sleep in…
